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10 Simple Changes You Can Make TODAY to Save Money

Need to save a little extra cash? You’d be surprised at how easy it is to save! Here are 10 simple ways to save money – easy changes you can make TODAY!

Most of us brush off saving money because we find it too overwhelming. The truth is, it can be…especially if you’re tackling a big expense or trying to change everything right away.

But the key to saving money is not necessarily by taking on a huge project—it’s by focusing on a much smaller, more achievable one. It’s finding those extra savings that don’t really feel like huge sacrifices in the moment, but end up creating lifelong habits later on. And when your world suddenly or drastically changes, you’ll have some comfort knowing you have some extra money put aside to help you get by.

So instead of telling you to grow your own vegetables, stop Starbucks cold turkey, or extreme coupon until your closets are full, I want to suggest ten simple changes take literally 5-10 minutes each, and still have an instant impact on your bottom line. They probably won’t save you hundreds of dollars tomorrow, but over time, even in the course of a week, I promise they will make a big difference!

10 Simple Changes You Can Make TODAY to Save Money

1. Start Saving Loose Change

If you primarily use cash, one easy switch is to pay exclusively with bills, then set aside your change in a digital coin bank. I bet you already have a few coins lurking in your laundry room and behind the couch to get started! When the container is full, you can bring your coins into the bank once doors are open again.

I recommend storing these coins in a savings account so you’re less likely to touch it. Establish a financial goal—like paying off debt, saving for retirement, or funding a home remodel—then let it grow!

2. Adjust Your Thermostat

Whether you use heat, air conditioning, or both, adjusting your thermostat when you leave the house or head to bed makes a pretty big difference in your overall bill. There are many people who keep their indoor temp a little cooler than what’s comfortable and opt to wear cozy sweaters and socks to keep the costs down. The Energy Information Administration found that 42% of home energy costs go to heating and cooling, so it’s essential to get this part under control!

You can adjust the temperature manually, or buy a programmable thermostat to do all the adjusting for you. During winter, lowering your temp will save more. During the summer, {especially with air conditioning}, higher is better.

3. Take a Shorter Shower

I’ll be honest—I love a nice long relaxing shower, but when you really stop to think about it, it’s crazy how much water we waste (and pay for) all because we want to enjoy that spa-like experience!

Time the length of your normal shower, then try to shorten the length by a few minutes every day. Save even more by turning the water off to suds up with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. If you tend to shave in the shower, fill the sink with warm water and shave there before hopping in the shower.

And if the kids are old enough to start taking showers, then forgo the nightly bathtub rinses and save it for a special occasion.

4. Swap Out One Cleaning Product

The absolute biggest way you can save on cleaning supplies is to make your own from scratch. White vinegar, borax, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, dish soap, and water literally cost just pennies a piece, and can do wonders when mixed in the appropriate measurements! I don’t recommend you switch out everything right away—remember, we don’t want to get overwhelmed—so focus on the one bottle that’s closest to being thrown out.

5. Repurpose Your Scrap Paper

Limiting paper use is not just good for your wallet, it’s essential for the environment too. Just think about how many pieces of paper you use, print, or handle on a given day. Paper is literally everywhere, including our landfills!

Besides being more conscious about what you print, it’s time to repurpose the paper you currently use. I have a stash of scrap printer paper available to print coupons, my weekly meal plan, and anything else that doesn’t require professional printing. I also write lists on the back of junk envelopes or cut scrap full-size papers into four quarters to use as notes.

Instead of buying multiple notebooks or coloring books for the kids, let them see how scrap paper still has a purpose and can be used to draw or create something cool like paper airplanes, origami, or just use the back and let their imagination run wild!

6. Cancel Memberships You’re Not Using

How often do you use Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or Sling TV? Are any app subscriptions being auto-renewed that you haven’t used in a while or don’t need? What about the gym membership you bought in January, or the magazine subscription you never have time to read? Comb through your credit card and/or bank statement and highlight everything that comes out automatically, then reassess to see if you really need them. Chances are, you probably won’t…or at least not that many right now.

7. Buy pantry and staple items in Bulk

Instead of buying bottles of spices, boxes of teas, coffee, sugars, flours, and many other pantry staples, head to your local food co-op, Kroger or any other natural grocery food stores that offer these items in bulk. Most of the time you’re paying additional for packaging and you can save quite a bit by grabbing your own containers, or using the zip baggies there, to grab what you need.

Sometimes bulk retailers get a bad rap, but really, if you do a little math or look at the cost per unit on the tag price, you’ll find that it’s actually more cost-effective to go ahead and spend an additional few dollars to get more upfront than having to head back to the store for the immediate need. Having a stockpile of frequently used goods always comes in handy in times of

8. Eat the Leftovers Already in Your Fridge

Instead of grabbing takeout, dig through your fridge or freezer and eat a plate of leftovers…pending they’re still good, that is! A trick I have found incredibly helpful is to freeze individual leftovers rather than sticking them in the fridge. This is particularly helpful if we have something like extra biscuits, casseroles, or soup because we can just freeze the rest for another busy night.

Another thing I like to do is warm up leftovers on the stove or in a convection oven. It seems to revive refrigerated food a lot better than the microwave!

9. Unplug Your Unused Appliances

Take a minute to look around your house. Is your toaster oven plugged in? What about lamps? Maybe a phone charger or two? It takes just a few minutes to plug and unplug these items, and though one appliance might not make that big of a difference, a handful of them most definitely do!

Make it a habit to unplug your kitchen appliances when not in use, and put away your chargers when you don’t need them. If it’s challenging to continuously remember to unplug each item, put all the cords in the same general area on one surge protector so you can easily switch it on and off when needed.

10. Swap Your Light Bulbs

Another simple change is to switch out all incandescent bulbs after they burn out with LED bulbs. These bulbs use 75% less energy, and last ten times longer than normal bulbs. Even though LED’s are more expensive than incandescent bulbs, their long life span and long-term cost savings make the switch more than worth it.

Dimmable LED’s can save even more, but make sure the package says dimmable before trying it. Many LED’s are surprisingly not!

Once you see the amazing transformation these simple changes have on your budget, you might just find you can’t stop. That’s a good thing! It means you’re ready for more.

These tips are just a small sampling of what you’ll find in my book, 31 Days to Radically Reduce Your Expenses. If you want to go even deeper and radically improve your finances, this book is your go-to resource!

Saving money is about making a small change today, or even this month, that can change your life tomorrow; especially in times where its need is felt. You’ll begin to notice when you check your balances and statements and see there is more in there than you thought … that’s because you made a decision to make a change for life. I hope you’ve been inspired to turn one of these simple changes into a lifelong habit!

To recap, here are 10 Simple Changes You Can Make TODAY to Save Money

1. Start Saving Loose Change
2. Adjust Your Thermostat
3. Take a Shorter Shower
4. Swap Out One Cleaning Product
5. Repurpose Your Scrap Paper
6. Cancel Memberships You’re Not Using
7. Buy pantry and staple items in Bulk
8. Eat the Leftovers Already in Your Fridge
9. Unplug Your Unused Appliances
10. Swap Your Light Bulbs

Other helpful resources:


Kalyn Brooke

Kalyn Brooke is a life management expert for busy women who crave a simpler and more organized life. Through her recognizable, down-to-earth approach, she provides a daily dose of inspiration and guidance, whether you’re looking for smart money tips, time saving routines, or anything in-between. When she’s not experimenting with ways to do even the most mundane tasks more efficiently, you can find her crafting detailed to-do lists in her bullet journal, or indulging in—yet another—personal development book. Meet Kalyn and learn how stay on top of it all at KalynBrooke.com.

View Comments

  • Great tips. I am going to implement this.
    Thank for sharing

  • Love these tips and so glad I stumbled across this post. Thanks

  • I was looking for something like this.I found it quiet interesting, hopefully, you will keep posting such blogs.Keep sharing.

  • Some brilliant ideas here! Definitely agree that cancelling unused subscriptions needs to be done, something we are all probably a little guilty of!

  • Thanks for the great share! I also like the idea of Home Energy. The best part I like is this: The reliability and availability of modern energy sources cause people to tend to assume that it will always be accessible. And as for the case of non-renewable energy sources, most people do not know or maybe even refuse to accept that it will eventually run out.

    I have always had such a hard time saving money, esp these days because I'm a server and always have cash on hand. I recently stumbled upon a genius app and just want to tell you guys that I've already saved $38.90 I know it may not sound like much but to me- it's major!
    This app is called Digit and it's a game changer. They calculate the trends within your acct and only save what you can afford. It's totally free and they also guarantee the transfers they save will never cause an overdraft. I think it's genius and have been sharing this discovery with all my friends since. (and NO, I do not work for them.
    I am not getting paid anything for writing this and I am def not one of those creepy spammers.. I'm just really loving this app and so are all my friends)


  • Canceling unused subscriptions is the BEST advice above. It's so easy to get sucked into small monthly fees for something you never end up using. Almost every single show I use Hulu to watch I could get for free and yet I still have a membership! I need to do something about that, this is a nice kick in the butt...thanks!

  • All of my utilities are included in my rent (what a blessing that is!!). But that being said, I still try to be conscientious about usage because someone has to pay and my rent is VERY reasonable, so I don't want to overburden the homeowner. It only takes a second to turn off a light or lower the thermostat.

  • These are great tips. I need to work on shorter showers - that's a tough one for me! I use the backs of all scrap paper. In fact, I was just printing my next unit of Elite Blog Academy on the backs of paper. Saves a lot!

    Happy to see you on this site, Kalyn. I like your blog too!

Published by
Kalyn Brooke

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