Categories: DIY

How to Make Homemade Pickles

Looking to make homemade pickles? This awesome step-by-step tutorial is SO easy to follow, even if you’ve never made them before!

When I was pregnant with my younger daughter Annie, my best friend Alysha gave me a basket of homemade goodies for Christmas, including a jar of pickles she had canned herself. It was all good, but those pickles were the best thing I had ever tasted and I ate the entire jar in one sitting. I couldn’t stop. And then I asked for another jar. And another. And thus began a lifelong (well, okay, 3 year) obsession with homemade pickles.

Since then I have begged, pleaded, & even cried to her and all my other pickle-making friends for more pickles. I have to avoid farmer’s markets because if I see them for sale, I am compelled to pay $6 a jar, and while normal people may stop at one jar, I will buy as many jars as I have cash in my wallet.

And I know what you’re thinking:  Why not just learn how to make your own homemade pickles?

I’ll tell you why. It’s because of this man right here. This mean, mean, horrible man:

He was afraid I would poison us. Also, knowing my tendency to lean towards overdoing, well, everything, he was also afraid I would go completely overboard and fill our house with 5,000 mason jars, pressure cookers, lids, utensils, cookbooks, and all the other canning “essentials.”

So he said no, absolutely not.

Even when friends gave me pickling books for Christmas and my birthday, he said no.

Even as, through the years, I collected my very own little collection of mason jars and rings, refusing to throw away even a single one, he said no.

Until one day I met this girl:

McKenzie was tragically born about 7 decades too late, but the girl can pickle & can like nobody’s business. And when she heard my sad story she took it upon herself to throw a pickling extravaganza–complete with chocolate martinis– with the sole purpose of teaching me, once and for all, how to make homemade pickles.

Before I go any further,  let me just say….Best. Night. Ever. Pickles rock my world!

And who knew they were SO easy?

How to Make Homemade Pickles

1.Sterilize your jars & lids.  Heat a big pot of boiling water, then carefully lower your jars into the water using a jar lifter. Let them boil for at least 5 minutes, then lift them out and place them on a clean dry towel. After the jars have been sterilized, place the jar lids in the boiling water to sterilize them as well.

2.Prepare your vegetables.  Slice your cucumbers & carrots, chop your cauliflower, or prep whichever other vegetables you plan to pickle. If you plan to make a lot of sliced pickles (or other sliced vegetables), a salad shooter is definitely a worthwhile investment–so easy and fun to use! Be sure to peel lots of garlic too.

3. In a separate pot, boil your vinegar mixture. Mix 2 cups water with 2 cups vinegar and 1/4 cup salt. (You can double or triple this if necessary.)

4. Fill your jars.  For basic dill pickles, just pack cucumbers into the jar with a few springs of dill and garlic cloves. Pack them in as tight as you can, but try not to touch the inside of the jar.

For sweet pickles or other variations, it helps to have a pickling or canning cookbook, but you can just experiment if you prefer. You can pickle other vegetables too–we did a few jars of jalepenos, peppers, radishes, cauliflower, & hot carrots (with jalepenos) in addition to the cucumbers.

5. Place funnel over jar and carefully ladle vinegar mixture over pickles until full. Retrieve a lid from the boiling water using a magnetized grabber, then carefully place it on the jar and screw ring on to hold it in place. Repeat until all jars are filled.

7. Use jar lifter to place filled jars back in boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then remove and let cool.

 8. Wait for the lids to pop as they cool.  Once they’ve popped, you know they are sealed. When you tap the tops of the lids you will be able to hear the difference between the sealed lids (a dull sound) and the unsealed lids (more of a tinny sound.)  Wait 30 days for your pickles to ferment. (This is the hardest part!) If, for some reason, you don’t hear a pop when you open them then don’t eat them!

 Can you believe how easy that is? And they make such cute gifts–I am pretty sure that everyone I know will be getting pickles for Christmas this year! What about you–have you ever made homemade pickles or done your own canning? If so, do you have a favorite recipe or special tricks?

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Ruth Soukup

Ruth Soukup is dedicated to helping people everywhere create a life they love by follwing their dreams and achieving their biggest goals. She is the host of the wildly popular Do It Scared podcast, as well as the founder of Living Well Spending Less® and Elite Blog Academy®. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of six books, including Do It Scared®: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Obstacles, and Create a Life You Love, which was the inspiration for this book. She lives in Florida with her husband Chuck, and 2 daughters Maggie & Annie.

View Comments

  • What a great story of how you went from not being able to pickle to finally being able to pickle! Love it! Thanks for sharing your story and your guidance on how to make our own homemade pickles!

  • at the end of the season some people throw out the green tomatoes. make green tomatoes pickles. they are great.

  • How do you keep the pickles crisp. Doesn't boiling them make them soft.

  • How many cucumbers do you typically use for the 2 cups water with 2 cups vinegar and 1/4 cup salt mixture...and how many medium sized jars does this typically fill up? Excited to use this recipe for Christmas gifts!

  • Do you let them sit out for 30 days or put them in the fridge for 30 days?

  • I can't seem to find fresh dill here. Do you know how much dried dill seed I would need to use to replace the fresh dill? I have looked high and low for a good dill pickle recipe. I am definitely going to give this a try!

  • How do you do pickled carrots? My kids love them, but I can't find a good recipe.

  • I have always wanted to try canning. tell me please, what danger was your husband worried about? I don't know what to watch out for :)

  • Can you use whole cucumbers? If so, is the fermenting time longer?

Published by
Ruth Soukup

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