Categories: Meal Planning Spend Less

7 Easy Ways to Save Money on Meat

This is a guest post from Kalyn Brooke of

 One of the major culprits of out-of-control grocery budgets is meat. It’s downright expensive, often overpriced, and yet we still continue to buy large quantities of it. Probably because men like my husband would throw an absolute fit if we didn’t!

The solution isn’t to get rid of meat all-together, but there are a few easy ways to help reduce the economic impact of this fridge and freezer staple. Practice all of these tips, and I guarantee you will see results within just a few weeks!

1. Eat Less Meat

It might seem a little obvious, but it’s true. Eating less meat will boost the bottom line, and give you an excuse to try new recipes outside chicken casseroles and sloppy-joes. Just implementing 2-3 meatless meals a week will reduce your need to buy it all the time, which will leave a little more wiggle room in your grocery budget. For fresh meal ideas, check out Ruth’s meatless meal section!

2. Know Your Price Per Pound

You can save a huge chunk of money just by knowing how much meat typically costs. Keep a grocery price book and write down the price per pound after every purchase. Pretty soon, you will start seeing a trend, and won’t need to reference your price book as often.

Bulk packages often have a lower price per pound, but are not always found in regular grocery stores. It might be worth it to consider paying for a membership at bulk food store, and see what they can offer. Don’t forget to record those prices in your price book too!

3. Freeze As Much As Possible

After each grocery store run, make it a habit to repackage all meat into smaller, plastic freezer bags as soon as possible. Then label, stack, and store in the freezer until it’s time to pull out for a lunch or dinner recipe.

Leaving meat in the fridge for more than a few days can cause it to spoil fast, and I would hate for you to waste all that money! Establish a rule that unless you will be using the meat that day, it goes straight into the freezer.

4. Don’t Buy Specialty Meat

It seems obvious that to save money on meat, you wouldn’t go out and buy a New York Strip Steak. Instead it’s more reasonable to stick to basic chicken breasts and ground beef.

However, you still have to watch what you’re buying. Boneless or thinly sliced chicken breasts cost much more than drumsticks or whole chickens, because you’re letting the butcher do all the work for you. I don’t know about you, but even though I hate touching raw meat, I’d much rather pay less and cut up the chicken myself!

5. Stretch the Life of Meat

I never pay much attention to meat portions in recipes, and if you’re trying to save money, you probably shouldn’t either. When the ingredients call for 4 chicken breasts, I use only two and cut them in half. I do the same with ground beef. A recipe might tell me to use whole pound, but I’ll use only half and just make the casserole less meaty. No one has ever noticed!

With a whole chicken, there is always a ton of meat left over. Freeze the extras for use in casseroles, and boil the bones for broth. I used to be so intimidated by this, but it is really easy! I still have jars of chicken broth in the freezer from months ago, and they are absolutely perfect for soups, stews, and to use with pasta dishes.

6. Buy a Portion of a Cow….or Pig

If you live in a farming area, definitely look into buying a whole animal or even half. This is best if you have a deep freezer to store it in, since I’m pretty sure they would never fit in my little kitchen one!

It might seem like a huge cost up front, but if you know your price per pound {point #2}, then it could potentially be a cheaper option in the long run.

7. Shop Unconventional Grocery Stores

Don’t be afraid to visit smaller international stores to see what their prices are on meat. We have found a gem of a store here in Southwest Florida that is mostly Hispanic, but has the best prices we’ve found on meat and produce.

Stores like Aldi or Save-A-Lot also have excellent prices on meat, not to mention a lower grocery bill all around for additional items. Shop around, compare prices, and plan your trips accordingly!

At first, it can seem impossible to lower your grocery budget any more than it already is, but once you start thinking of ways to scrimp and save, it becomes a little bit easier each time.

Avoid trying to save on everything all at once, and instead, focus on one portion of the grocery bill at a time. Take one month to focus on meat, one on produce, one on pantry items, and so on. By the time the year is over, you’ll be a pro at saving on everything!

Kalyn Brooke is a life management expert for busy women who crave a simpler and more organized life. Through her recognizable, down-to-earth approach, she provides a daily dose of inspiration and guidance, whether you’re looking for smart money tips, time saving routines, or anything in-between. When she’s not experimenting with ways to do even the most mundane tasks more efficiently, you can find her crafting detailed to-do lists in her bullet journal, or indulging in—yet another—personal development book. Meet Kalyn and learn how stay on top of it all at

Ruth Soukup

Ruth Soukup - LIVING WELL SPENDING LESS. Practical solutions for everyday overwhelm. Food Made Simple, Life Etc., Home 101, Smart Money. Start organizing your whole life today!

View Comments

  • I love meat, but freezer burn is my enemy. Because I live alone, freezing part of a package of meat is almost always necessary. A few years ago I discovered Glad Press-n-Seal wrap. If you wrap the portions in this stuff you get a great seal. Then I put the smaller wrapped portions in a big Zip Lock bag. I swear you get no oxidation or frost on that meat in the Press-n-Seal wrap! I have not had to throw away a single piece of meat due to freezer burn since I started using it.

  • Buying meat by the half or quarter animal is a great way to save on meat and get rid of all of the hormones that are in a lot of grocery store meat.
    Finding it can be an issue but if you are looking for locally sourced meat here are a few ideas.
    Ask at your local Ag store. Tractor Supply, Agway, or local co ops will all have a good idea of where you can find the kind of meat that you are looking for.

    Check with the local cooperative extension system in your county (

    Check craigslist's farm and garden section. Often local farmers will advertise if they have anything extra.

    Find a processing plant or abattoir near you and ask them if there is anyone in your area who sells meat by the animal or half animal.

    I love the meat I get and in my case I even get a say in what cuts I want and how I want them cut.

    • Thanks for sharing your knowledge and tips on how to save money on healthy cuts of meat. :)

  • This is a great list! My husband is like yours, if there's no meat, it is not a meal! However, I've found ways to incorporate a few 'meatless Mondays" without him even noticing with tricks like Black Bean lasagna or a curry lentil dish. We are big meat eaters but having a meatless meal with other protein packed foods definitely helps stretch the budget.

  • Good to know on the day I'm going to the store! Thanks!

  • Where in SW Florida do you purchase meat?

  • LissaAnn said she shops for discount meat just before closing.
    - My grocer discounts very early in the ask your butcher. It is well worth the effort!
    - Stores here run 1 free turkey at Thanksgiving and at Christmas for $100 purchases at the checkout. Because the sales usually are exceptional then (and I have the storage space & 2 freezers) I shop the ads for a year on many items (flour, chips, cereal etc. go into the freezer). By dividing my purchases into $100 baskets, I can get about 5-6 turkeys for the year for unexpected company, church dinners, etc.
    - A friend and I buy a side of beef from a local farmer and have it split, wrapped. and frozen when he sells to the local abbattoir.

  • My husband and I don't eat much red meat but we do eat chicken a lot. We buy our chicken from and love it. It is bought in 40 pound increments and the quality is great! When it arrives you drive to the pick up location, usually a parking lot, and they put it into your car for you as you drive up. We take it home and butterfly cut the breasts to make it last even longer. This is something we save for each month and isn't such a blow to our grocery budget each month depending on the grocery store prices.

    • Leslie, thank you very much for the information on! The site is so easy to traverse and instructions are so clear ... unlike some sites that go round & round!

  • I save on meat in eating less meat. But I buy only farmers qulity and no supermarket meat. Special chicken I could not eat from the supermarket.

  • One of my tricks is that I go to the store right before closing. They sell fresh ground beef :) At the end of the night they mark it down because they cant sell it the next day. I try to catch them when they have 20+ lbs and then ask them what they have marked it down to. Then I ask them how much more they would be willing to mark it down if I purchased all of it... I dont have them wrap it up in small pkgs. I go home and do that. The less work for them the lower the price for me :)

  • Kalyn, I live in Swfl also.. what hispanic store are you fondong the cheapest prices?

    Sams club and gfs is where I normally buy meat and sams has boneless skinless chicken breast is 1.88/lb everyday right now and 90/10 burger is 3.19/lb.

    Gfs has leg quarters in a 40lb case for 26.49 & pork butt for 1.59lb and deli meats for 1.99-3.79 lb depending on what kind.

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Published by
Ruth Soukup

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