
Get Fearlessly Crafty {Day 16}

This is the sixteenth day of my 31 Days of Living Well & Spending Zero challenge. To read all the posts in order, start with Day One or visit the Overview Page.

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I love me a good DiY project! Nothing makes me happier than completely losing myself for an hour or two while I create something new. There is something about getting crafty that is just good for the soul.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret:  Not everything I make turns out wonderful. Not everything I make ends up on this blog. I just don’t show you the failures most of the time!

A few months ago I co-hosted a cute-as-a-button baby shower for my goddaughter. I had lots of DiY projects planned, so my co-hostesses came over one afternoon to help with the preparations. One of them commented that she was nervous to help because she was afraid her projects wouldn’t turn out as perfect as mine. I reassured her that when it comes to crafts, I am NOT a perfectionist! With the pressure off, she was able to simply enjoy the process without worrying so much about the end result, and we all had a lot of fun.

The Nester’s motto for the home is “it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful,” and I would like to point out that this truth also applies to DiY projects. It’s okay to see a project you like on a craft blog or in a magazine and then modify it to work with the materials you happen to have on hand. Don’t let the fear of it not looking exactly like the picture deter you from trying!  Who knows? You might even like your version better!

Today I rounded up a whole bunch of absolutely darling DiY projects from some of my favorite blogs (and my own) that can be made using supplies you very likely have already lying around the house. Obviously not all of you will have all the the supplies on hand, but that is where improvising comes in. It is called getting creative for a reason! (That said, I did try to choose only projects I would personally be able to make today, using only the items I have around the house, at least with minimal substitutions.)

Clockwise, starting in top left corner:

Not Pictured:


Today your assignment is to MAKE something using only what you already have, to get fearlessly crafty and create something new just for the joy of the process. You can do it!

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Do you ever stop a project before you even start because you are afraid it won’t turn out perfectly? Have you ever searched for inspiration at the craft store when you could be using what you already have? Which of these projects do you think you’d most like to try? How will you change it to make it work with what you have?

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{Go to Day 17}

Ruth Soukup

View Comments

  • Thanks for compiling this list! So glad I saw it on Pinterest. Your blog is beautiful!

  • This is a really great list of diy projects! I am starting the 31 day challenge today (1/13/14)! With some of these projects I would need to get materials. But that is fine, they can be for future frugal projects! But some are definitely do-able without stepping foot in the store! Love ALL of your ideas, can't wait to see if I can't stick to one whole month of no unnecessary spending! I am already pretty good at not wasteful spending, but this will save even more this month! We have big plans & dreams for our life! I'm thinking I will do this challenge every 3-4 months! I've skimmed through most of the challenge, and to be totally honest I am going to change the order of it around a bit! Today, the first day I am going through my 5 yr old's room and cleaning it how you suggested! Then we're going to hang pictures/decorations we already have. (We just moved to our home 4 months ago) still getting settled in! Also, instead of going to dinner on Saturday's, I'm thinking a family movie night in with a movie we already have! So excited to have come across this! Second time posting on the challenge... but I really LOVE the whole idea. Love how you have laid it all out! Great job documenting your experience!!!! -Michelle

  • Just found your blog--(through Pinterest :-) --and wanted to say "Thank you"! Love the challenge idea, too.

  • Hey there!
    I happened to look at my Blogger stats from where my views were coming, and I happened to notice quite a few came from your blog! I wanted to reach out and say thank you for mentioning my State Nail & String Art tutorial!

    I'd love it if you stopped by to say "hello!" at our new Facebook page:

    Have a great rest of your weekend,

  • Beautiful ideas. I love your series on spending zero - sadly I have only been able to follow a very few, as I'm in the middle of moving houses and everything is a mess, but I like reading about it all!

  • Oh gosh, Ruth! This would require me being able to FIND my crafting supplies and glue gun - haha! We just haven't uncovered those boxes. Yet. ;) But, since we almost finished the dining room makeover last night, this has inspired me to try and come up with something crafty for the arch over the dining table. Or maybe for the Front Room which is today's project (ugh!). I'm just not sure WHAT that will be yet! Will give it some thought. I have been pacing in and out of there all morning anyway, so I have time. lol
    Love this post!!
    - Claire
    PS: The article about "Pinterest" was great and made me laugh a few times - I really like her blog!

  • I have never left a comment before, but I have to tell you that I really love this series. I can't wait to check your site each day just to see the new challenge. Even if I can't complete it, I love that it is making me look at the world in a different way. I can't imagine how much time it must take you to find all these things each day. Thanks for all you do.

Published by
Ruth Soukup

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